Would you guys like to know a some info on the very talented writer, Bunny? Well listed below are a few questions for her, so check it out!
1.Name: CiCi
2. Nickname: Bunny
3. Birthday: 1/12/88 (January 12 1988)
4. E-mail: soariserenity@hotmail.com
5. Favorite Color: Pacific Ocean. (Blue & Purple mixed together)
6. Buttered toast or Gravy: Buttered toast
7. Hobbies: Swimming, writing ^^ eating and sleeping.
8. Bio: I was born, I met some peeps, we played sailor moon (I always was Pluto or moon) I turned nine I moved, my parents got a divorce (YEAH! I hate my real mom) I got to go with my dad and last year he married Debbie (She’s awesome!) The end. (Yet another example of my writing…)
Luv always Bunny
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