Sailor Senshi Name: Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus
Seiyuu: Ogata Megumi
Age (at the beginning of the show): 15
Age (at the end of the show): 17
Birthday: January 27
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Gemstone: amber
Favorite Color: gold
Favorite Food: salad
Least Favorite Food: natto (a soybean dish)
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Worst Subject: modern Japanese
Favorite Pastimes: driving, running
Has Trouble With: confessing
Strong Points: strategy, brute strength
Usually Paired With: Sailor Neptune
Dream: to become a world-champion racer, "to become the wind"
Haruka is really respected by all the Inner Senshi. She is multi-talented, although she is really good at racing, and is also smart and strong. Her opinion of the girls used to be that they were very cute, but when she learned they were Sailor Senshi as well she tended to be a little more critical. For instance, Haruka was very nice to Usagi the first time they met, but she was very critical of Sailor Moon. She considered Sailor Moon to be immature and weak. In the S series she treated the Inner Senshi pretty bad, in SuperS she disappeared along with the rest of the Outer Senshi, and in Stars she acted very protective of Sailor Moon. Apparently she inherited the desire-to-protect-Sailor-Moon that all the Inner Senshi had (although I think she tries to protect Sailor Moon a lot more).
Haruka and Michiru are obviously more than good friends. Haruka and Michiru are almost always shown together, either with Setsuna or not. They even play duets together often, with Michiru playing the violin and Haruka playing the piano (one of Haruka's talents the series didn't go into very much). The same can be seen when they're Sailors. In battle during S, they tried to ignore each other's safety because they felt someone would have to be sacrificed, but their true feelings can be seen when Neptune pretty-much killed herself in an attempt to save Uranus from getting her heart crystal taken out, which would cause her to die.
Haruka is sometimes called a tomboy, although she is more of an extreme tomboy. Along with her short haircut, something pretty uncommon in Japanese Animation for girls (most of the time hair is extremely long), she wears a boys uniform for school and enjoys to race (which is usually considered a masculine activity -.-). Haruka is also a very good runner, which, coupled with her racing, can describe why she wants to "become the wind."
As a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Uranus was willing to sacrifice someone to save the world in Sailor Moon S, but, with Sailor Moon's help, nobody got sacrificed. Perhaps this is why Uranus' opinion of Sailor Moon improved. Uranus does take being a Sailor Senshi a lot more serious than the Inner Senshi, and will commonly pop out of nowhere (with Neptune) and save the girls with her powerful attacks. Being an Outer Senshi, who would protect the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millenium from outside invaders, she was granted more powerful attacks than the Inner Senshi. This is also why she thought the Inner Senshi were weak, but her opinion of them changed as well.
Haruka goes through some growth in the series, despite already being very mature. I think she learns that the Inner Senshi have strengths of their own, especially Sailor Moon.
Henshi yo!!
Uranus Planet Power Make up!!
World Shaking
Space Sword Blaster