My guardian is the planet of silence. I'm the soldier of death and rebirth, Sailor Saturn

Name: Tomoe Hotaru

Sailor Senshi: Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Saturn

Seiyuu: Minaguchi Yuko

Birthday: January 6th

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Age (when she came on to the show): 16

Blood Type: AB

Gemstone: fluorite

Favorite Color: purple

Favorite Food: nihon soba (Japanese noodles)

Least Favorite Food: milk

Favorite Subject: World History

Worst Subject: Phys. Ed.

Favorite Pastimes: being with people, since she's so lonely!

Has Trouble With: marathons

Strong Points: healing

Usually Paired With: Sailor Pluto or Sailor Chibi Moon

Dream: to become a doctor

Hotaru is one of those characters that you feel sorry for. After a lab accident where she was killed, her father agreed to sell his soul to bring Hotaru back to life. But then the bad guy who did this started to take over Hotaru too! On top of this, Hotaru didn't have any friends until she met Chibi-Usa. This was because she once used her healing powers in public to help someone, but then everybody thought she was weird and stayed away from her. However, when Hotaru told her this, Chibi-Usa thought that was an amazing power and was impressed with Hotaru.

Chibi-Usa introduced Hotaru to Usagi, who treated Hotaru the way she would treat anyone. So they became friends too.

Before she met Chibi-Usa, Hotaru was lonely and had low self esteem. If not for Chibi-Usa, she probably would have let Mistress 9 take her over completely. When Hotaru was taken over by Mistress 9, Uranus and Neptune wanted to destroy her to save the world. But Super Sailor Moon kept stopping them. It was probably Sailor Moon's and Chibi-Usa's friendship, and her father's love, that let Hotaru destroy Mistress 9. However, at this point Hotaru transformed to Sailor Saturn, the senshi of death.

Sailor Saturn explained to Sailor Moon that, in order to destroy the bad guy (Pharoah 90), she would use her "Silence Glaive Surprise" attack. However, this attack was so powerful that she would kill herself in the process (She is the most powerful Sailor after all). Now, throughout the whole season Sailor Moon has been constantly saying that they would save the world without sacrificing anyone. So when this happened it's obvious that a few fans were getting kind of tired of the whole sacrificing stuff. Anyway, Sailor Moon got incredibly upset, summoned all of the Sailors power, and saved the day. In the process, Hotaru was reborn as a infant.

Like the rest of the Outer Senshi, Hotaru disappeared during the fourth season. Then she reappeared when Setsuna picked her up from her father. When the Outer Senshi were being threatened by bad guys, Hotaru's power "re-emerged," and she started rapidly aging. She was about Chibi Usa's age now. Anyway, Hotaru also granted the Super upgrade to the Outer Senshi. At this point we see that Hotaru is living with Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna in the same house. In the battle with Nephrenia, Saturn almost used her "Silence Glaive Surprise" to defeat Nephrenia. But guess who stopped her this time? Sailor Chibi Moon!

After Nephrenia was defeated, she promptly disappeared again. She didn't reappear until the end of the fifth season. It's not clear whether she had returned to her father's house or was still staying with the Outers.

Henshi yo!!!

They were too lazy to give Hotaru a transformation -.-;;


Silence Glaive Surprise

Silent Wall

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