Name: Kino Makoto

Nickname: Mako-chan, and "Big Sister" in the manga

Seiyuu: Shinohara Emi

Sailor Senshi Name: Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Jupiter

Other Names: Princess Jupiter

Birthday: December 5th

Astrological sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: O

Gemstone: emerald

Age (at the beginning of the show): 14

Age (at the end of the show): 16

Element: Wood

Favorite Color: pink, green

Favorite Food: cherry pie, meatloaf

Least Favorite Food: none, she likes everything!

Favorite Subject: Home Economics, History

Least Favorite Subject: Physics

Favorite Pastimes: bargain-hunting, cooking, reading romance novels

Favorite Animal: horse

Has Trouble With: airplanes (because her parents were killed in an airplane accident)

Strong Points: cooking, fighting

Usually Paired With: Sailor Venus

Club She's In: Cooking Club, although she was encouraged to join the Track Club

Dream: to be a bride and marry earlier; to open a restaurant, or a flower and cake store; to be pretty like Michiru and strong like Haruka.

Before Makoto met the other Sailors, she was generally feared by her classmates and people considered her a bully. However, being alone all the time made her lonely, so she was very surprised when Usagi wanted to become friends with her. After Makoto met the girls she tended to be nice most of the time, but if someone threatens her friends she turns violent. Makoto is also a little more independent then the girls; when she's having a problem she tends to go off by herself to figure it out, instead of getting help from her friends.

Makoto also really respects Haruka, although a few of the girls misinterpreted her "respect" (hey, Minako had been chasing Haruka around only an episode before, not knowing she was a girl).

Makoto is really good at pretty much all sports, although she doesn't display her abilities that often. She also has a black belt, I guess, because during an episode when she wanted to re-train herself she was wearing a black belt and a karate uniform. However, they never went into how she could maintain a black belt (with her busy schedule and all ^.~) and when she got it.

As Sailor Jupiter, she can take out an opponent using only her strength, even though she usually uses her attacks. Also, her strategies are sometimes "Act first, think later," in contrast to Sailor Mercury. In the episode where she wanted to re-train herself (mentioned above), she defeated a monster by herself, or without Sailor Moon's main attack.

Henshin yo!!!

Jupiter Power Make up!! (1st season)

Jupiter Star Power Make up!! (2nd and 3rd season)

Jupiter Crystal Power Make up!! (4th and 5th season)


Supreme Thunder (1st season)

Supreme Thunder Dragon (2nd season)

Sparkling Wide Pressure (2nd and 3rd season)

Jupiter Oak Evolution (4th and 5th season)

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