Sailor Senshi Name: Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Neptune
Seiyuu: Katsuki Masato
Age (when coming into the show): 15
Age (at end of show): 17
Birthday: March 6
Astrological sign: Pisces
Blood Type: O
Gemstone: aquamarine
Favorite Color: marine blue
Favorite Food: sashimi
Least Favorite Food: kikurage (a mushroom)
Favorite Subject: Music
Worst Subject: none
Favorite Pastimes: playing the violin, swimming, painting, collecting cosmetics
Has Trouble With: sea cucumbers
Strong Points: violins
Usually Paired With: Sailor Uranus
Dream: to be a violinist
The creator of Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi, once said that she is most like Usagi (Sailor Moon), and that Michiru (Sailor Neptune) is the most opposite of her. Michiru is multi-talented, and has talents in playing the violin, swimming, and painting. She is also very smart, and in some ways shares some characteristics with Ami. However, Ami is known for not having self-confidence, while Michiru is very sure of herself. Although she has a softer heart that Haruka, she was willing to sacrifice someone to save the world, and thought that the Inner Senshi were getting in her way when they tried to fight the Death Busters.
As a Sailor, Sailor Neptune thought that the Inner Senshi weren't powerful enough to go up against the Death Busters, but she gained a better opinion of Sailor Moon at the end of the S Series. She contrasts with Sailor Uranus, being both elegant and graceful, and is probably a little better at strategy than Sailor Uranus. In the first part of Stars, when the Sailors were separated into small groups and Sailor Uranus and Mercury teamed up, Uranus realized that only Neptune could keep up with her (Uranus was running and Mercury was lagging behind). Neptune and Uranus will often act as a team, while Neptune is a little more concerned for Uranus' safety than vice versa (as described above). She tends to be a little more open with her feelings toward Haruka as well.
Neptune Planet Power Make up!!
Deep Submerge
Submarine Reflection