But now that her plan to take over the world failed
One of her worst enemies, ^^ me, has had enough
So she sent her packing on a planet called Earth
(Galaxia: Damn you! I'll be back!!!)
"I'll send Sailor Jupiter's Moon Kingdom cheesy fanfics,
the worst that I can find! (Lalala)
They'll have to sit and watch 'em all
So I can moniter their minds! (Lalala)"
LITAAAAAAA: Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice..more importantly!
Now keep in mind Lita can't control
Which fanfic Galaxia sends her next. (Lalala)
She'll try to keep her sanity
With the help of her really stupid friends
KAIKOOOOOO: Mmmm chestness of the bishounen!
If you're wondering how they are so bored and sad
And other pointless facts. (Lalala)
Repeat to yourself "Moon Prism Power Make up!"
And then you can relax!
for Mystery Sailor Moon Theater 3000!
Lita: Day 503, on the Satellite of Stuff, crew members are acting crazier than usual. Mina keeps babbling about how she misses "Yohji", Kaiko is constantly repeating chestness, and Resa keeps calling us dorks. How long until this insanity end?
Resa: Lita, are you talking to yourself again?
Lita: Maaaaaaybe...what's it to ya!
Mina: All work and no play make Mina go crazy. *-*
Everyone else: *move away from Mina*
*incoming call from Galaxia-sama*
Galaxia: Hello you dirty pieces of crap!
Kaiko: Its nice to see you too, Galaxia.
Galaxia: Enough of that! Time for you to be tortured!! This fanfic is called "Hope" |:} Enjoy.
Lita: Of doom!!
>Hi, this is my first fanfic. I don’t know if it’s good but I count on u all to tell me.
Resa: Hooked on Ebonics worked for me!!
>They’re no scouts in that story
Mina: What is this mysterious "that story"?
Kaiko: They are no scouts???? *twitch* Too many grammatical errors!
>and I use the American name cause I know them better. I would like to give my sympathy to all he people >who suffer right now, it really takes bad peoples to do something like that.
Lita: Well my sympathy goes to all THE people who are suffering right now.
>Well I go on with the story, hope u have fun reading it.
All: *monotone* Oh boy.
>DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sailor Moon only the story.
Mina: That's what she wants you to think!
>Serena was sitting on her black sofa thinking about the last ten year of her life, crying all the tears she >have.
Kaiko: Then after she cried all the tears she have, she stole all the tears he had.
Lita: Wha?
Kaiko: I'm drunk, leave me alone.
>Those years were a nightmare from the start, on her own birthday...
All: *groan*
>She was so happy she finally has sixteen years old: that mean she could start dating boys. Her father was a >little bit overprotective for the boys.
Lita: But he wasn't overprotective for "Serena".
>Well any way, one of her best friend, Mina had organized a party to celebrate and she was sooooooo >happy about it.
Mina: *as "Serena"* I'm soooo happy that I'm going keep babbling on and never end this sentence and and and and yeah!
Resa: Let it go, Mina.
>All of her friends were suppose to be there
Kaiko: But then they deciced they had better things to do.
>and they were all going to spend the night cuz Mina’s parents were away for the week end.
Kaiko: But then they decided they--
All (except Resa): *edge away from Resa*
>So she was preparing herself
Lita: For dinner..she was it!
Mina: bam dum CHUUUU!
>to go when her mom call her:
Resa: An idiot!
>-Serena, honey, come over here please we have to talk to you!
Lita: *as "Serena's" mom* You see, honey, I'm too lazy to use quotation marks.
>-Coming mom! Serena say while running downstairs.
Kaiko: Who is this "Serena say", and what has she done with Serena?!?!!
>-Serena, your father and I have a surprise for you, said her mom.
Mina: Well drrr, who else but her mom would say that?!
>-Yes sweetheart, said her father, I know how you dream about going to the U.S.A. so I am >very happy to tell you that we are going next week!!!! Is it not a good birthday >Present? Lita: *as Serena* No, it's the worst present ever!! I hate you!!
>-Yesssssss thank you so much she said kissing them both, wait till I tell the girls about that they’re going >to be so jealous about it. >She was jumping happily in the living room.
Resa: Freak!!
>And how long are we going to be over there?
>-For ever Serena, your father got transfer for his work isn’t that marvellous? Said her smiling mother.
Mina: AAAAH!! The smiling mother is possessed, shoot it!!!
>Serena’s smile fade immediately, how could she leave all her friends in a week? It was impossible, her life was here, all she knew, all her souvenir...
Lita: Screw her life, its all about her souvenir!
>Her parents was still talking about how it was a great news, they didn’t even notice that she was not so >happy any more.
Kaiko: *as Serena* Hey! I'm unhappy over here!
Resa: *as Serena's mom* Yeah, uh huh, that's nice dear.
>It was the time that Ray rings the house-bell to pick her hop for the party.
Mina: If you're gonna use dubbed names at least spell them right!!
Lita: *as "Ray"* So, Serena's hop, are you ready to go?
Kaiko: *as Serena's hop* ^^ Of course Ray!
Resa: *as Serena* Can I come too?
Lita/Kaiko: NO!!
She said bye to her parents and leaves the house in a choc state.
Mina: *as Serena's mom* Serena!! You come back here, and pick up all this "choc"!!!
>The party was cool and she decide to forget everything and to have fun that night, tomorrow would be a >better day to tell them about that.
Kaiko: So again I'm going to ramble on and never end this sentence because I can cuz I cool.
>So she dances, eat, talk and laugh as if she was the happiest person in the world. Even Darien, her worst >enemy that she hate too love so much,
Lita: ...she hate too love so much?? What the hell!?!?!
>was there and couldn’t affect her in a bad way when he try to make fun of her. Later in the evening >somebody bring an alcohol punch and she start drinking. Her friends tell her to be >careful
Resa: Aaaww what great friends! They would tell her not to drink the alcohol, but that would be bad advice.
>but she didn’t care at all cause deep inside she was depressing so she drink a lot and the rest of the >evening were a blank to her.
Mina: There were so many grammatical erros in that sentence that it needs to be shot many times!
>She wakes up the next morning in Mina’s parents’ bedroom, completely naked and with no souvenir of >anything.
Lita: Again with the souvenir!!!
Kaiko: Yeah, when I wake up in a bed naked, the first thing I think about are souvenirs.
>She had a headache and it became worst when she sees a little spot of blood in the sheet. She didn’t >remember having sex but the proof was there and she feels ashamed about it, she didn’t even know with >whom she did it.
Mina: She did it, and did it good and didn't know who she did it with but it was too late cuz she did it.
Resa: *smacks Mina*
Mina: ;-; Heeey that hurt.
Resa: -.- Well, that will teach you not to ramble on.
>She look at the time,
Lita: She can't speak good english.
>almost tree in the afternoon,
Kaiko: Tree in the afternoon?!?! Duuh I'm Serena and I can count. One two TREE!!!! DUUUUH!!!!!!!!
>so she dress quickly and go look for her friend who were eating in the kitchen. They had a big grin on their >faces when they see her:
Lita: *as one of Serena's friends* You'll never guess what we did to you while you were sleeping *big grin*
Resa: That was just sick.
>-Had a good sleep Serena? They ask in one voice still grinning
Mina: So they all have one voice.
Kaiko: Nah, the author probably meant to put "They ask in tree voice still grinning"
>-You and Darien sure know how to keep your emotion hidden said Ray ,p>
Mina: *as Serena* Who are you??! And what the hell are you babbling about?!
>-Yea everybody were no more drunk when we see you two make out on the couch said Ray
Lita: I dunno..you still sound drunk to me "Ray".
>-Well it was worse when you tell us to stop interrupt and bring him in the room to continue tranquilly what >you were doing said a laughing Amy.
Kaiko: Meanwhile, a pissed off Amy was planning to kill "a laughing Amy".
>-I never sees two peoples so drunk you both had difficulty to walk to the room. Well if it wasn’t the case I >would have worried about what you were doing in my parents bedroom said >Mina.
Mina: *as fic-self* Hi, I'm Mina and I sees alot of things life n I watch people make love in my parents bedroom cuz I'm a loser!
>-Can we do a little laundry before your parents get back Mina? I ask in a small voice, head down
>Well, now I knew. How can I did that with him? Except that I love him.
Kaiko: *as Serena* I can't believe I made love to I guy I love!!!
>Any way, we did the cleaning, even the laundry, but it was not the same between us after I tell them that I >was going away.
All: Yay!! She's finally going away!!
>We were all sad, even Darien were forget (wasn’t hard for me, I didn’t remember).
Lita: Who understood that?
All: *silence*
Lita: That's what I thought.
>The next week past so fast I didn’t even have the time to see them or Darien back. I talk to the girls on the >phone and I learn that he didn’t remember more then me what happens that famous night.
Mina: Did Serena fail 3rd grade English, or what!?
>I also learn that he was gone to the State
Resa: Oh my God, Serena's done gone turned redneck!!!
All: NOOO!! Not again!!!!
>to study to be a doctor so I will never going to see him again,
Lita: Is that such a bad thing?
>the men I will always love.
Kaiko: The men she will always love??! Slut!!!!
>One week later, my family and I left for a better life in New York. It was really hard for me, I had difficulties >talking English
All: We can tell!!
>and I was missing my friends.
Mina: Hooked on Ebonics worked for me!
Resa: -.- I already used that joke!
Mina: ;Þ
>But most of all, a month after we move, I was always sick and my period were late...
Kaiko: I just hate it when my period were late!!
>My mother bring me to the doctor who confirm that I was pregnant. My life was really a mess for a sixteen >years old.
Lita: This is turning into a Lifetime special!! ><
>My parents gave me the choice to keep her or not, so I keep her (I didn’t know it was going to be a girl but >now I know hehehe).
Lita: *as Serena* If it were a boy I would have killed him hehehehehe.
>I continue to go to school, thanks to my parents, but I was late in my scholarship even if they help me.,p> All: What the hell!?!
>I had my little girl that I name Reeny She mean all he worlds to my parents and me, she is so cute.
Kaiko: Shoot me now!!
Mina: Looks like we got a fan-mande character! Everyone say hello to Reeny She!!
Resa: Don't forget about he worlds!!
>We all took turn to take care of her, I was going to financial school
Lita: Yeah, like Serena is smart enough to get into financial school!!
>like my parents who were both in finance. I knew from the girl that Darien never return to Honk Kong so I >didn't tell him about our girl. I miss him so much, I would like to share our daughter with him.
Kaiko: So the girl told Serena that Darien was never going to return to Hong Kong?!! Resa: Since when the hell did Darien live in Hong Kong!!!!!!!
Lita: She misses him so much, that she won't tell hmi about his child. Now that's love!
>It had been really long since I finish my part time school while taking care of Reeny with my parents help.
Resa: Reeny She mysteriously disappears for the rest of the fic!
>By the time I graduate from university I was twenty-six and Reeny was nine years old.
Mina: My, how time flies in just one sentence!
>I just start wording two months ago
Kaiko: What's wording?
>in the same company than my parents, in the World Trade Center. Life was not so bad, thanks to them, I >had a greet job
Resa: Man, I wish I had a greet job...
>and a wonderful family but I was lonely cuz my friends were far away. I never had the time to make new >friends at school and now I regret it, I didn’t want to be alone. Not now...
Mina: *as Serena* Maybe tomorrow...
>Tuesday, tree days ago,
Lita: Ya think she would of learned the first time! Three!! It's not that difficult!!!!
>my parents and I wake up like every other day to go to work but when I go to wake Reeny up, I just saw >that she was sick so I decide to stay home with her. My parents left to work around seven in the morning, >we all kiss each other good bye not knowing it was an adieu.
Mina: Doesn't adieu mean goodbye?
Kaiko: So they kiss eachother goodbye, not knowing it was an goodbye! I give up on you people!!
>It was the morning those crazy bastard kill so many peoples with four airplanes.
All: We hope those terrorists burn in hell!!!
>If my girl hadn’t been sick she would have been an orphan now, like me. At first, I was sure it was all a big joke but unfortunately it was not one. Reeny was asleep at first but when the W.T. C. crush she wakes up >because of the noise.
Kaiko: *sniffle* This is really sad..I can't bring myself to make fun of that sentence. >I explain to her what happen and since that day she was in an other world: she didn’t talk, didn’t eat, didn’t >even cry. I was very worried about her.
>End of flashback,p> All: Yay!!!!! Its over!
>Serena decide that tomorrow she will go to see the authority to tell about her parents and she was going to
All: Doh!
>bring Reeny with her and stop at the hospital to see someone to help her and Reeny. Right now she was >going to try to sleep even if she know that she will revive all the tragedy again in her nightmare. Who >know, maybe tomorrow Reeny will be better.
Lita: That tomorrow we know Reeny not feel better.
*All exit the theater*
Mina: I kinda feel bad MiSTing that fic.....
Resa: Its Galaxia's fault for sending it to us.
Kaiko: ;-; Those poor people in New York.
Lita: Yeah...
*incoming call from Galaxia*
Galaxia: Stop it with the sadness! You're making me feel bad!!!
All: ;Þ Pbbbbbt!!
Galaxia: -.- Well, just for that I'll be sending you part 2 of that fic!!!
All: NOOOOOO!!!!!!