Hiya everyone! Test your Sailor Moon knowledge by taking this quiz! Good luck, and no cheating!!
Gamer's Quiz
Objective: answer 7 questions correctly. JavaScript required!
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Kotono Mitsuishi Sailor Moon Takeuchi Naoko Takeshi Naoko
2. What year was Sailor Moon released in North America?
1995 1985 2000 1994
3. Which Sailor Soldier does Makoto want to be like?
Sailor Mercury Sailor Uranus Sailor Pluto Sailor Star Fighter
4. In the Sailor Stars season when Uranus and Mercury were battling Nehelenia, Mercury had a flashback of..
eatting doughnuts helping her friends win a basketball game all the times to she let her friends down what everyone else would doo in her position
5. In Sailor Moon SuperS when the girls went to the beach, Usagi's brother...
was annoying them wanted to go home relaxing with the girls had a crush on Ami
6. Rei once had a job as a..
guidance counselor singer fortune teller farmer
7. Minako wishes to be all of the following except
an actress a singer a model all of the above
8. Kawashima Chiyoko does the voices of all of the following except,
Setsuna Haruna-san Naru Usagi's brother
9. Shinohara Emi does the voice of..
Rei Hotaru Michiru Makoto
10. At the very end of Sailor Stars, Usagi was..
kissing Mamoru saying goodbye to Seiya fighting with Rei looking at stars with the Outer Senshi
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