Guarded by Pluto, planet of time. I am the soldier of revolution, Sailor Pluto

Name:Meiou Setsuna

Nickname: Puu

Sailor Senshi: Sailor Pluto, Super Sailor Pluto

Seiyuu: Kawashina Chiyoko

Age: In the manga she's about the same age as Haruka, but in the anime..let's just say she's the oldest senshi

Birthday: October 29th

Astrological sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: A

Gemstone: garnet

Favorite Color: dark red

Favorite Food: green tea

Least Favorite Food: eggplant

Favorite Subject: Physics

Worst Subject: Music

Favorite Pastimes: shopping

Has Trouble With: cockroaches

Strong Point: sewing

Usually Paired With: Sailor Saturn, or together with Uranus and Neptune

Dream: to be a designer

Sailor Pluto is the most mysterious characters on the show. Very little is known about her in the 2nd season, except that she is the guardian of time. In the third season we get to see Sailor Pluto out of her Sailor outfit, and see her as Setsuna. Did Sailor Pluto travel back in time to help the other Sailors, or was this her 20th century form? The world will never know.

Setsuna is a very private person. She almost never talks about herself; whenever she is talking to any of the Sailors she is usually discussing how to defeat the enemy. The Inner Sailors respect her in a similar way that they respect Haruka and Michiru, but they don't really know her, and don't have much of a relationship with her. However, Chibi-Usa is shown to be a good friend of Setsuna, and Chibi-usa often calls her "Puu." In a similar way to Usagi, Chibi-usa doesn't care that Setsuna is mysterious, and treats Setsuna the way she would treat anyone. So Chibi-Usa and Setsuna have a better relationship.

During the third season, Sailor Pluto appeared with the third talisman, to the surprise of Uranus and Neptune. They realized that they didn't have to sacrifice anybody to extract the talismans. The talisman that Sailor Pluto had is the garnet orb, which attaches to the end of her staff (which, you'll notice, was missing during the 2nd season). Sailor Pluto had to take a sudden exit during the end of the third season, when she used her forbidden attack "Dark Dome Close" to save the lives of Uranus and Neptune.

In the fourth season, Sailor Pluto disappeared. She didn't even get a special, like Uranus and Neptune, explaining why she was gone. Then, in the first several seconds of the fifth season, she appears to pick up baby Hotaru, explaining that she needs Hotaru's power. Eventually it was shown that Hotaru, Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna were all sharing the same house. Setsuna appeared in one episode by herself of Sailor Stars to help out the Inners with Chibi Chibi, and it looked like Usagi and Setsuna had a similar relationship that Chibi-usa and Setsuna had. But besides that, she ended the series more as a supporting character than a main character.

Henshi yo!!

Pluto Planet Power Make up!


Death Scream

Dark Dome Close

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