THEME SONG!!!!!!!!
On a not-too-distant planet,
On a place known as Jupiter,
Galaxia has kept people in pain,
And has done it for quite some time.
But now that her plan to take over the world failed
One of her worst enemies, ^^ me, has had enough
So she sent her packing on a planet called Earth
(Galaxia: Damn you! I'll be back!!!)
"I'll send Sailor Jupiter's Moon Kingdom cheesy fanfics,
the worst that I can find! (Lalala)
They'll have to sit and watch 'em all
So I can moniter their minds! (Lalala)"
LITAAAAAAA: I like purple!!!!!
Now keep in mind Lita can't control
Which fanfic Galaxia sends her next. (Lalala)
She'll try to keep her sanity
With the help of her really stupid friends
MINAAAAAAA: Insert quote here
If you're wondering how they are so bored and sad
And other pointless facts. (Lalala)
Repeat to yourself "Tenchi's still in Tokyo!"
And then you can relax!
for Mystery Sailor Moon Theater 3000!
Kaiko: What the moo?!
Lita: ;-; Tenchi doesn't come on toonami anymore!!!!!
Resa: Oh well, you'll get over it.
Lita: >O< NO I WON'T!!!!!!!
Kaiko: First my gundam boys get kicked this!
Mina: Yea, then pokemon!
*all stare at Mina*
Mina: ^^;; I mean...heh heh
Galaxia: Hello you insects.
Resa: Well that was creative.
Lita: All hail Galaxia-sama!
Galaxia: Silence!!!! I decide I'd send you guys a well written fic with a plot!
All: ^o^ YEA!!!!!
Galaxia: ^^ Just kidding!
Mina: That was cruel!
Kaiko: We got a fanfic sign!!!!!!!!!
*All go to the theater*
Resa: Well that's a good sign.
>what you are about to read is compleat B.S.
Kaiko: The newest series from B.S.S.M
>and is a parody on a popluar T.V. comerial
Mina: But not a popular T.V. commercial.
>.....but hey, even though you know the plot
Lita: No we don't.
>and the fact I didn't come up with some of the words, at least I have the guts to do gotta give me props for that.
Lita: And we won't.
>and now
>I am proud to give you.....
>SAILOR MOON SAYS WASSAP!!!!!(AKA the domenent lesbain)
All: .......
>Setting:Harkura and Michiru's apartment
>(Michiru is playing the Violin)
Resa: "Violin" was capitolized because???
Mina: Instrament?? Sounds like something a redneck would say.
Lita: *as Haruka* Michiru, I reckon you butter stop playin that there vioooolin..I got nothing.
Mina: Yup.
>T.V.:and he passes #42 and....TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!
Resa: The End! Let's go home!
Kaiko: Sit down.
>(Harkura chugs her beer)
Resa: *siigh* Another fan-made character!
Kaiko: *as Haruka* Damn you Harkura!! Gimme back my damn beer!!!
>Michiru:Here you are my darling, I love you so much ^_^
All: *gag*
>Harkura:(still looking at the T.V.)yah whatever... NO YOU STUPID MORON!!!!! RUN THE DAMN BALL!!!!!!!!
Mina: *as Michiru* You're not my Haruka!!!
Lita: *as Harkura* Now you know my secret, you must die!!!!!!!
Lita: *-*
Resa: o0
Kaiko: ^___^;
Mina: ^-^
>(the phone rings)
>Harkura:(picks up the phone) hello
Kaiko: *as Michiru* Get the hell outta my house Harkura!
>Makoto:so whats up B
Resa: whats up N
Lita: whats up Q
>Harkura:nothin' watchen' the game, haven' a bud
Mina: I knew Harkura was a redneck.
>Makoto:true true
Mina: See, Makoto agrees!
>Harkura:hey, pick up the phone
Mina: *as Michiru* I don't take orders from a stranger!
Resa: Let it go Mina
>(michiru picks up the phone)
Resa: Is it really that hard to put a capitol M????
>Michiru:hey man, where's dookie?
Lita: I thought you're suppose to start all sentences with a capitol letter.
Kaiko: Not in this author's world.
>Makoto:HEY DOOKIE!!!!
Lita: What did I just get through saying?!!?
>Luna:WAZZZZZZ UUUUUP!!!!!!!!!
Resa: Yea, wazzzzzz uuuuup to you too.
Mina: Damn it! We want Haruka back!!!
>(bunny is outside the building on the intercom)
Lita: Bunny scares me.
Kaiko: Not much, thanks for asking.
>(Michiru and Luna hang up)
Resa: And I care because...??
>Harkura:so whats up B
Lita: Not much G
>Makoto:nothin'... watchen' the game haven' a bud
Mina: Now Makoto is a redneck!!
>Harkura:true true
>THE END (true true)
All: YEA!!! ITS OVER!!!!!
Lita: That was lame!
Kaiko: True true!
Resa: Let's go get us a beer and watchen the game!
Mina: True true!
*gulp* This is my first MST, so go easy on me! ;-; I hope you guys liked it!