Mystery Sailor Moon Theater 3000

Hiya minna-san! Welcome to the Mystery Sailor Moon Theater 3000 section! No, I didn't come up with the whole mst-ing idea....what do you mean you don't know what a mst is?! Okay I'll fill you in...not that way -.-; On Comedy Central, there was a hilarious show called, "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and a guy named Mike, and his two robot companions, Crow and Servo were forced to watch lame, idiotic movies, and so while watching these horrific movies they made fun of the film. (Incase you're wondering, that show comes on the Sci-fi channel on Saturady mornings.) Anymoo, I'm doing the same thing..except with Sailor Moon fanfics. Hey, e-mail me any mst-ings that you have! Nuff said, on with the fics.

Sailor Moon Says Wassup (aka the domenent lesbain) MiSTed by: Lita
Sera Muun Becomes Sera GW!!! MiSTed by: Lita
Hope MiSted by: Lita

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